
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Cardshop promo video

Hey, I will be back of 2 month in void :)
there is a lot of news in the underground market that I will show you in futur post

Unicc shop is a cardshop (sell cc, fullz, dumps) own by Faaxxx (russian guy)

He is one of the most reputed cybercriminal in the underground market

The price of cvv are same than a normal cardshop (10$ for EU, 4$ for US )

Faaxxx have created a promo of his shop unicc (same idea than other cybercriminal call BADB in jail)

Faxxx promo

The Faxxx promo is not very good to see
bad music
bad animation
video very long and not funny

Badb promo

The badb promo for his shop
better music
better animation and very comic

What is your favorite promo ?

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Liberty reserve is the end part 2

Maintenance update
Dear friends, it has come to our attention that some of our customers became concerned with our latest maintenance continuation and erroneous account status change for a group of our clients. Please find below an official explanation of reasons behind both instances:

1. There is a group of blocked accounts which were erroneously blocked by an automated script that was tested in the beginning of August and apparently has failed to perform properly. Script was designed to automatically secure in account in the event of multiple suspicious login attempts. During this maintenance we have identified the problem, addressed it and it is now being solved.

2. Since we were forced to perform extended maintenance, we saw an opportunity to add some of the additional features that were pending to be added to the website. As the web site appears shortly, you will discover Credit Card Funding option (available ONLY to a verified users), along with other minor improvements and enhancements.

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this maintenance may have brought to you and would like to assure you that both issues are addressed in a timely manner and currently being worked on around the clock for the quickest and safest resolution. During this final stage of maintenance we are identifying erroneously blocked accounts and updating their statuses to "normal". This is a long and tedious process so your patience is appreciated. While we are doing everything possible to bring the system back faster, these processes make take an additional up to 2-4 days to complete.

Any other explanation of this maintenance that you may come across online in various online forums is inaccurate or simply put - false and misleading.
Posted by Jeniffer at 4:38 PM

Original Link :

I want lr back and change my fund in perfect money !!!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Liberty Reserve is the end?

Maybe you have this problem in your accout
A lot of complaint can be view in hyip website and underground forum
Liberty reserve is the ecurency the most used by cybercriminal

LR block fund in account of big "fish", fund with lot of money since 3-7 days, He blocks randomly account.

Look complaint here

and other on all hyip website

Lr has a second prob, you can't received email of them

I have seen the problem will be not resolve before wenesday in a forum

Lr has de problem 1 year, for 24h the website will be down and there is no one explication from the ecurencie-market one of most popular exhanger website stop accepting lr

Hello. in view of the current difficult situation on the market for liberty, we're experiencing some troubles with processing the orders. We have temporarily suspended the admission liberty for 2-3 days.

They say that on chat
Is the Usa who looks fund for cybercriminal ? LR will be a new paypal ? LR stole money ?

A good rep can be this (find in underground market)

I'm sorry if I might be wrong, but after I completely read all of the threads regarding this, i came to the conclusion that LR might started to .. sacrifice some goats (sorry for the term )
We all know who use LR, what kind of people for what kind of transactions, and I'm not talking about just carding.
Seems that for them to survive, and also keep the Verisign sign on their website and be supported by them ( which is a BIG BIG thing ), they have to .. BEND OVER for some investigations from now and then. 
Alot ( and I do mean alot ) of money from dark operations ( ammo, drugs, whores, etc ) beeing moved in LR comes from russia / ukrain, ergo the massive lockage on ru/ua accounts.
It will be over soon, as because of the large amount of people that WILL lose alot of money, the rest of us will go on with our business using LR as always.
It was either this, or the e-gold way, and we all know what happened back then.

We can't belive some super legal legit business men from COSTA RICA (!!!!) woke up one day and said " hey ... lets do a nice money transfer system " without staying out of the radar ..

As you all see, alot of ru exchangers still conduct legit business each day without being blocked.

Lets just hope it will all be over soon

IF you want save your lr, change your ecurrencie
The two more popular I have seen in disussion is Perfec money (but one cybercriminal say they stole money) or bitcoin (very used in tor network)
Since 5 hours im browsing the net to get rid of my lr and all i can see is 40% for LR to PM, %45 for LR to bitcoin and so on

Do not used LR to egopay because egopay is a scam! (they block your account and steal randomly)
If you exhange your egopay fund to your payza account, payza block your account
(egopay says they are an afiliate of payza but I think is false)
if you type "egopay scam" on google, you can see video of official egopay says they are not a scam (lol this is very strange)

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


A lot of people pay a service in underground forum for decoding track in audio skimmer

kkk is the most famous for this service

His post :

For those who own audio atm skimmers I offer wave-to-track2 decode service.
(Where to buy audio skimmer?)

Payment: 20% of decoded tracks

Decode process:
1. You send me a link to wav/mp3/wma file (upload it to
2. I tell you amount of tracks inside, we discuss how much time it will take to decode them and amount of tracks I will take as a payment.
3. After decode you get tracks in the following format:
[time] [track]
12-12 432143214321xxxx=130110100000000000123
12-17 543254325xxxx432=150412113414200000142

Part of it will be hidden with "xxx". After I get video for the payment tracks I send you full track list.

Speed of decode process depends on wave quality and amount of interrupts.

Minimal order is 50pcs. You still can send me small parts for decode, we will collect until the whole amount will reach 50pcs.

Contact: ****

PS: Small orders (under 3 tracks, for test purposes or so) I decode for free.

Other service of decrypt is always same price 20% of value of the dump, sometimes 10%

I have do a .rar with a pdf and doc (ru) tutorial and the soft (.exe) for decrypt (you need pyc language)
Download here
pass : trackingcybercrime

You can always use PowerGraph + this table of values
b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 Symbol Value
0 0 0 0 1 -0 (0H) Digit
1 0 0 0 0 -1 (1H) "
0 1 0 0 0 -2 (2H) "
1 1 0 0 1 -3 (3H) "
0 0 1 0 0 -4 (4H) "
1 0 1 0 1 -5 (5H) "
0 1 1 0 1 -6 (6H) "
1 1 1 0 0 -7 (7H) "
0 0 0 1 0 -8 (8H) "
1 0 0 1 1 -9 (9H) "
0 1 0 1 1 -: (AH) Management
1 1 0 1 0 -; (BH) Begin of the sequence
0 0 1 1 1 -<(CH) Management
1 0 1 1 0 -= (DH) Field separator
0 1 1 1 0 -> (EH) Management
1 1 1 1 1 -? (FH) End of the sequence

Monday, August 13, 2012

POS fraud in video

A first time I see it in underworld forum underground
A man take a video who he is using his own POS to do fraud
His name is Sudaka and he come from to Peru (100% 101 they not have chip)

His thread :

Title :  I HAVE MY POS need good seller , or work %

I have my own POS, I'm looking for sellers of good material dumps, I'm tired of throwing my money buying and LR, in tinedas and bad sellers, provided I have my own POS, if someone has good stuff and want to sell, or work in% contcatarme in PM, only serious people, look at the picture this morning pass, 12 dumps and could only make 980 usd with one, we can take up to 15K per day,

Picture of sendspace :

Fraud POS working

Video :

Thursday, August 9, 2012

High quality webinject for banking bot (zeus, spyeye, citadel)

As you know, webinject is used to steal sensitive info that you can't have with a keylogger/formgrabber in trojan. This is used for doing bank transfert, cvv fullz ...

I will show high quality webinject produce by a russian guy call "geforse"

normal webinject just grab info in your botnet and cost like 20-60$ but this webinject grab info in other page (login, pass, other info...), have balance grabber and send info in jabber (for realtime)

You can see all webinject doing by the author, all video can be view in better quality if you change in 480p or 720p

USA - bank inject

Пак из 8 инжектов для банков USA:

  • bofa
  • chase
  • citi
  • citizen
  • firstcitizens
  • pnc
  • suntrust
  • wells

Отправляют в админку и джаббер данные по аккаунту,сс,dob,ssn,mmn.
101$ = 1 банк
678$ = 8 банков
USA - bank inject

Pack of 8 injector for banks USA:
Sent to the admin area and data on jabber account, ss, dob, ssn, mmn.
$ 101 = 1 bank
$ 678 = 8 banks

EN - 101$

Инжект требует подтверждения своей личности путём ввода данных кредитной карты + dob/ssn.(или + запрашивает данные для восстановления vbv/mcsc) Все данные отправляются в админку и джаббер. - $ 101

Inject your personality to be confirmed by entering credit card data + dob / ssn. (Or + requests data recovery vbv / mcsc) All data is sent to the admin, and jabber.

RU EN - 387$

После срабатывания инжекта, холдеру выдаётся "Security Measures" требующая ввести полный номер карты или, если карт нет, банк.акка.
В джаббер отправляется и в админке сохраняется Username,Password,Name,Primary E-mail,Address,Phone Numbers,Balance,Account type,Status,Country,Check date,IP address,User-agent + Все данные карты (номер, exp, cvv) и банк.акка. - $ 387

After operation inzhekta, holders shall be issued "Security Measures" required to enter the full card number, or if there is no card, bank.akka.
In jabber sent and saved in the admin Username, Password, Name, Primary E-mail, Address, Phone Numbers, Balance, Account type, Status, Country, Check date, IP address, User-agent + All card details (number, exp, cvv) and bank.akka.

RU EN - 101$

Инжект выдаёт стандартное окно для регистрации кредитной карты + dob/ssn. Все данные отправляются в админку и джаббер. - $ 101

Inject the standard window provides for the registration of a credit card + dob / ssn. All data is sent to the admin, and jabber.

RU EN - 88$

Инжект в фоновом режиме шлёт в лог логин, пароль, лимит, балансы счетов - $ 88

Inject in the background sends a log login, password, limit, account balances

RU EN - 101$

Собирает данные сс, вопросов/ответов, баланса при авторизации, которые отправляются в админку и джаббер. - $ 101

Collects data ss, questions / answers for the balance of the authorization to go to the admin, and jabber.

RU EN - 101$

Собирает данные аккаунта (логин,пароль,пин,мастер кей,баланс) при авторизации и отправляет в админку и джаббер. - $ 101

Collects account information (username, password, PIN, Master Key, Balance) for authorization and sends to the admin, and jabber.

RU EN - 101$

Собирает данные аккаунта при авторизации и отправляет в админку и джаббер. - $ 101

Collects data when authorizing your account and send to the admin, and jabber.

RU EN - 101$

Собирает данные аккаунта при авторизации и отправляет в админку и джаббер. - $ 101

Collects data when authorizing your account and send to the admin, and jabber.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

French key traffic : PASS PTT

I know lot of french carder used a key to open all mailbox
French typical mailbox

Uou need to have a key call "pass ptt" or "passe partout".
All key are only used by postman

A french famous postman

All "pass ptt" are not allowed for sell, all seller in internet are scammer (they take your money and not send anything)
For have this key you have 2 method

you need to buy one in unerdround market (french underground is the best)
I have used this method for buying one (I have received lot of private message)

Hi, I have pass ptt, what you offers?

The price for a pass ptt is 50€ but I have see a vendor sell it for 20$

I have buy one from a people in my city. That I found in underground forum (bordeaux)
I have meet him , they was 2. They have the look of true gangsta in city.

They used "pass ptt" not for carding but for stolen.
They seach cheque for pay electronic item in website "leboncoin", They used modified ID scan for verifying when they buy with stolen cheque.
They stole package too in big mailbox

big french mailbox (they exist a lot bigger in brown)

They have already stole 2 PS game (they said me that)
They show me how stolen and everything all the day (enter private hall, open all mailbox ...)

We have do same this video

The second method is build your own
You cant do yourself, you need a locksmith, you can do one online but not in french website because this is not allowed, they say all "no"
You need a key blanck Silca R041 (not sell in france), you can buy one in other website country.
You need a code (All french ptt)

-A10: 149999
-B10: 269999
-C10: 349999
-D10: 469999     
-E10: 549999
-F10: 669999
-G10: 749999
-H10: 869999

-I10: 169999
-J10: 249999
-K10: 369999     
-L10: 449999
-M10: 569999
-N10: 649999
-O10: 769999
-P10: 849999

-Q10: 159999
-R10: 359999     
-S10: 559999
-T10: 759999
-U10: 959999

-V10: ??9999
-W10: ??9999    
-X10: ??9999 
-Y10: ??9999     
-Z10: ??9999

The principal who open all is the T10 75999
you say I want a silca R041 cut with the code 75999 and all is good
T10 open Hall and all mailbox.
F10 open Hall and mailbox of Hall


Look Pass ptt T10

Look Pass ptt F10

The 2 Pass, they are not the same (difficul to see)


If you dont have money to buy one you can always used the picking (lot of forum exist)

And if a mailbox or a door dont want be open, this method is the most successfull but not very discrete

Fell free to comment

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

BUILD YOUR OWN SKIMMER : Electronic skimmer Part 2

This article is only for the electronic part (no bezel or cam in other part)

First the electronic is composed

This is an audio skimmer but this is same an electronic skimmer
For build the electronic you need 3 part and 4 others extra part for decoding and charge the battery (not in picture)

Red : This is the magnetic strip card reader, this is the most expensive electronic to buy
The most famous is the msrv007 size :4 x 5 x 15mm
This msrv model is the less expensive and have good size

the famous msrv007

For smallest size, they existe lot of version of  magnetic strip card reader like msrv010

You can buy bluetooth version (but size is bigger x2 and more expensive) like msrv008, when you insert your skimmer in ATM you take all data on your computer, if you lose your skimmer you have always your info

Technical info

- All msrv model have interrupted swip technology, when you swip your magnetic card and the swip is interrupted, your data is correctly saved by a powerfull algorithm
For resume : you have better chance to swip successfully more credit card

-All msrv have 3 track reader, it reads all three tracks of the magnetic cards (track 1, 2, 3), for credit card you need only track 2 and 1 (you can generate track 1 with track 2)

- All msrv have an encryption system All track are crypted, you need to have the software to decrypt data with a password. You can used this method for having worker.

- For the consumptionall msrv can stored up to 32000 cards or run for 16 days (only if you have a 40mA battery)

msrv technical info

Yellow : You need to used a small battery for your msrv, when you buy a msrv package you have always one include

The default battery include in msrv package is the 40mA

Blue : The  Magnetic Read Head, This is the part who read the magnetic stripe, this is optionnal but highly recommended for better track

how to connect magnetic read head

The Read head is included in msrv package

The other extra part (all included in msrv package)

USB data cable  : The cable required to communicate with the MSRv007 from your PC.

Plastic Rail : used to read the track of msrv007

Plastic rail with integrated 3 track head (11.8x11x5mm) 
USB charging cable : It only charges the battery  (not used to connect the msrv to pc)

The CRSF software (that read track to pc) : is free to download
Download soft here
A video demo tuto about decoding

Now we will se the price of this msrv package in undergroud forum

Rafael101 (read other post) sell the msrv package 900$
A German skimmer seller S@rs sell it for 1500$

A real MSRV007 reader full package cost $440.00 (yeah 50% off than rafael101)
Link here

There is other model than MSRV I have found here, MICR suite, I dont know if this is a better model but this is more expensive.

After the electronic model, I will write a new article on how to build bezel and cam for cheap price, and how to sniffing POS
Stop buying expensive stuff that you can find in internet :)

Monday, July 30, 2012

BUILD YOUR OWN SKIMMER : Electronique skimmer Part 1

I will show how to build ATM skimmer for cheap price and how cybercriminal do it in a lot of new part on BUILD YOUR OWN SKIMMER

This first part is just an introduction

Rafael101 is one of the most famous seller of ATM skimmer on underground market

He has selling Audio skimmer for diebold and skimmer with electronic for ncr and wincor

ncr, wincor and diebold are different ATM who don't use same bezel and security, for exemple
diebold in France have trigger Alarm security, when you put your skimmer in the bezel, the 
ATM come offline and not work

Now he sell offline verifone (hacked point of sale who register tr1 + tr2 + pin)

His thread : here

you can download his public pic to sendspace in picture (if you had good eyes)

I have contact him on ICQ for price of all his product

He sells Diebold audio for 2200$ (yes is exmpensive because build an audio skimmer is easy if you read all part)

He sells to atm skimmer with electronic in different part, you need to build this

electronic skimmer :

bezel ncr over anti 1600$
bezel ncr green 1000$
bezel wincor 1000$
camera with a 6hours batery life 350$
electronic skimmer 900$
cover for camera 150$

Private picture files (received from icq) :

ncr over anti with cover for camera for ncr

The ncr over anti is the most expensive but this is normal, he is used to ncr ATM who have already an anti and have a great plastic quality for the mm

The ncr over anti in ATM look like this when it is used

you can see, it more big than an normal ncr anti

I don't post other picture becaus there a same than other fake bezel you can see in lot of website

I will show you in second part how you build your own electronic skimmer (bezel and camera in other part) for not 900$ but 50% off

Sunday, July 29, 2012

How to bruteforce botnet admin panel using windows

Sry for long posting but this is holiday in france
I have decide to show you how I bruteforce in windows for all people same me who hate linux, you lose time to run linux in VM with hydra

This method is called FUZZER, bruteforce form login is useless because very low and sometimes 
protected by captcha...

form login

Fuzzer method is bruteforce the request you send to the server with the username and password

live http header (firefox plugin), you can se the request

I teach you 2 method with different software one with webslayer and one with acunetix/burp suite
You need to download dictionnary for password
I used only admin for username
For password, I used this .txt 
For find admin panel, I simply used havij (panel finder) or google seach

#1 Webslayer method

you need to download : webslayer and live http header (firefox plugin) don't exist for chrome

Webslayer is the fuzzer, he don't sniff the http headers, you need to used for that live http headers.
First find a form login (botnet, exploit pack, istealer login planel ... or website too).
Send the link in firefox and open live http header and write 123456 or what you want in login and password, and copy this request :

Exemple of a request

After you past the link in Webslayer and modify the 123456 in admin (for login) and FUZZ (for password)
FUZZ is the text file with login or password you have choose
you can used FUZ2Z if you want used 2 dictionnary

Webslayer ready to start !

You have just to press start attack

If all is green, this mean fuzzer work, for find the good login and pass if location change or chars/code change ...
Just wait one night with and a day of work with a good dictionnary and you can find what you want :)
You can execute an unlimited number of webslayer :)

#2 acunetix/burp suite method

In this exemple I will show you only acunetix method because more popular than burp suite, but this is the same method for 99%

first buy acunetix with for 2000$, no this is a joke used a hacked credit card or used this cracked version 8 (last version)

At First got to this link and download acunetix scanner

ID: acunetixwvsfullv8
Password: nFu834!29bg_S2q

Then install it do not open it
If opened Closed it
Open patch and click on patch
Now open Acunetix you will be asked for some details

Enter below details
License Key: 2e3b81463d2s56ae60dwe77fd54f7d60
Name: Hmily/[LCG]
ComPany: Www.52PoJie.Cn
Telephone: 110

Patch Download Link:

You need to download too another firefox plugin (yes if you prefer chrome this is not exsit)
Download foxyproxy

We used only the fuzzer of acunetix, don't used authentification tester this is not work with cracked version

Foxyproxy can send request to acunetix to the httpsniffer because if you dont used foxyproxy, acunetix cant sniff http for firefox

First find a url with form login, open foxyproxy and add localhost and 8080 same in this picture

foxyproxy option
After click on used the proxy localhost:8080 for all url

open acunetix and click on start for http sniffer

connect to your form login with 123456 for user and password

In the http sniffer find the request and right click send to http fuzzer

Http sniffer
Now we start fuzzing, add click on add generator and add file generator with 2 files one with login.txt and one other with password.txt (select filetype Text)
click on insert into request in you 123456 for login and pass and click on start

Http fuzzer setting
After you have just to wait same Webslayer

Http fuzzer in action
dont forget to stop http proxy sniffer and foxyproxy


For me acunetix is most fast than webslayer (for not a lot)
You can open only 2 acunetix in same time and a number of unlimited of webslayer
All night and for each day of work I used 2 acunetix and 5 Webslayer in same time
I try to access to botnet, exploit pack ... not only webshop too (but I dont do any ilegal activity)

One day with this method I found login and pass of a shop with lot of credit card in clear (not crypted)

Hacked cvv2
I dont resell them in shop or other (Im 100% White hat)
You can be surprised with fuzzing method, you can access to big website with a big dictionnary
(I would like show admin for big website I have but this is too many ilegal)
Personnaly I never access to a botnet or exploit pack now :( (just an istealer and a webshell)
Maybe xylito is better than me.

Dont do that for hacked website
If you have any question I am here

I used a lot acunetix not only for fuzzing, but scanning and other, I can rep to your ask with this penetration soft

Saturday, July 14, 2012


Im in holiaday no news for 1 weeks
thx for all subscriber
thx to Leguepard60

Thursday, July 12, 2012


The second part for mp3 skimmer for Diebold
I have take 2 source one of and one other of (electronic russian hacking forum) source :

Приветствую, в данной теме показано как собрать аудио-скиммер за 10мин,особо не тратясь
Данный способ знают все,но всё же давайте по подробнее
Нам потребуется:китайская ручка-шпион, головка от магнитофона,батарея от телефонки(860mah хвати),2проводка разных цветов,изолента и паяльник.
С чего начнем?
Разумеется с выбора китайской ручки-шпиона
Ручки бывают уже с встроенной памятью(2-16GB) или со слотом для флешки micro-sd,данный стафф легко распространен и кардится в китай шопах.Лучше сделать несколько моделей ручек с разных китай шопов.
И так, берем ручку, откручиваем низ ручки где стоит стержень, видим вход для зарядки(он может быть 2х видов(вход для провода как на плеерах,нокии 6300 и тд) или просто USB

Мне попалась USB.Снимаем корпус ручки,перед нами остается только плата
Вот фото данной платы:

На ней всего 2 кнопки: Вверху-вкл/выкл, в середине-сброс
А так же 2 лампочки: желтая-зарядка/ожидание, синяя-идет видеозапись

Нужно заменить аккум,а то ским проработает не долго, снимаем старый и ставим новый аккум,он будет распологаться вверху морды
Перед тем как припаять головку,нам нужно увеличить провода которые будут соединять голову с платой,отпаиваем старые(они на фото:красный и черный), припаиваем проводки примерно 4см чтобы был небольшйо запас и голова стояла в прозрачке как положено.
к проводам паяем голову-осталось все только правильно установить и залить.Камера устанавливается под углом(тут нужно будет замерять у атм правильно ли она стоит)
Итого получится(фото взято с инета):

Данные аудио кишки подходят только к дибу оптева)сейчас много моделей данной фирмы оснащены датчиками на скиммеры.Как проверить есть ли такой датчик?
А все очень просто,в темное время суток лепим на картоприемник гвоздь на скотче и ждем)если в течении 30мин он не ушел в офф и никто не приехал,то на данном АТМ не установлена данная антискиминговая система.
Еще возможны помехи создаваемые АТМом,экранируйте свои девайсы)
PS Перед установкой кишков еще раз проклейте морду с внутренней стороны(как бы не уверяли вас селлеры в крепкости морд),а то может случиться маленькое недорозумение

Pss не работаем по ру (рос,петрокомерц,банк москвы и многие другие) сам лично жопу надеру
Автор данной статьи не несёт никакой ответственности за совершаемые Вами действия. Всё, что Вы делаете - Вы делаете на свой страх и риск.
Всех благ,да простят меня тру кардеры source

This is a very good post for mp3 skimmer, I dont copy past all post of the forum but you can find lot of interesting method.
The link